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Showing posts from April, 2022

ACTion principled communication

Imagine actions that everyday allow you to live & communicate honestly... A  - a uthenticity C  - c onnection T  - t aste (a simple sensory experience of who you are).  :?) If you have a sexual compulsive behavior problem, you may find a meeting helpful  Monday : 7-8 p.m. mixed group, open, in-person, 1090 Greene Ave Westmount Qc H3Z 1Z9 Canada Wednesday : 7-8:30, mixed, open Zoom only, write for details, login. Open = you are a sex addict or have a problem with compulsive sexual behavior. Mixed = you are a human person.   

We are...

We are sex addicts anonymous. We respect one another's anonymity. And we may learn to live in the ☀️ compared to "the shadows" of the addiction. If you have a sexual compulsive behavior problem, you may find a meeting helpful  Monday : 7-8 p.m. mixed group, open, in-person, 1090 Greene Ave Westmount Qc H3Z 1Z9 Canada Wednesday : 7-8:30, mixed, open Zoom only, write for details, login. Open = you are a sex addict or have a problem with compulsive sexual behavior. Mixed = you are a human person.   

One person's thoughts:

I have learned in recovery (an action program) to accept and not obsess on… If you have a sexual compulsive behavior problem, you may find a meeting helpful  Monday : 7-8 p.m. mixed group, open, in-person, 1090 Greene Ave Westmount Qc H3Z 1Z9 Canada Wednesday : 7-8:30, mixed, open Zoom only, write for details, login. Open = you are a sex addict or have a problem with compulsive sexual behavior. Mixed = you are a human person.