How important is it?
We recover by the work of The Twelve Steps.
First things first
Maybe, for you, all it will take -- to start is one (of our) three weekly meetings. Keep it simple
Monday in-person only, Monday via Zoom only and Wednesday via Zoom. Just for today
Change is a process not an event
- Open = you are a sex addict or have a problem with compulsive sexual behavior.
- Mixed = you are a human person.
Works when you work it
Keep coming back
Let go and let God
Let it begin with me
Live and let live
One day at a time
Progress not perfection
This too shall pass
Together we can make it
Cultivate an attitude of gratitude
You can have work without recovery, but you can't have recovery without work
If you do what you always did, you will get what you always got
Learn to listen and listen to learn
Stick with the winners
Time takes time
Recovery is a journey not a destination
It is a simple program for complicated people
Don't quit before the miracle happens
Willingness is the key
When all else fails follow directions
I want what you've got
Your worth should never depend on another person's opinion
Sick and tired of being sick and tired
Principles before personalities
If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck
Nothing changes, if nothing changes
Give time, time
Misery is optional
Easy does it, but do it
Feelings are not facts
You cannot be grateful and hateful at the same time
Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm
You can't think your way into a new way of living, you have to behave your way into a new way of thinking